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  • in reply to: FS doesn't spot "Walking Pilots" ? #2435

    “On a slightly bigger scale, I feel that the score keeper must be given the option to overrule a detected landing and tell FS to use the rest of the track as well. That will require some bigger changes, but should make the whole process easier.”

    This is already possible, just put the distance flown manually and take the entire track.

    Alarm only landed on the task screen when the speed is less than 3km for 1 or 2 minutes
    Another option is to put in FS Flight tracks with color and an alarm that possible landing points. The scorekeeper will decide whether or not to validate the flight.
    But it is first necessary to review 80 or more tracks x each task.

    in reply to: FS doesn't spot "Walking Pilots" ? #1116

    Hello, I did not believe it WAS NECESSARY to Comment on this issue.
    I trust the honesty of the drivers, Many of Them ….. friends Now I can not trust.

    Now, After a classification with 100 pilots, Where Attempting to pilot a flight to fraud, walk 250 meters to mark ESS … I need to urgently Solve this defect ..
    I prefer to cancel HAVING Several pilot landed false alarms, Before confirming a track from a driver Who has Walked.
    100 tracks, you imagine checking point to point, competition in 7 days?

    Sorry my bad english….

    En la ultima competicion, detecte un piloto caminando 250 metros para validar ESS, algo muy dificil de detectar si no verifica punto x punto un track.. Creo que el FS deberia informar con una alarma las posibles zonas de aterrizaje.
    velocidad menor a 10 km/h durante 30 segundos, sin variacion de altura mayor a 3 metros..
    luego el encargado de clasificaciones podria validar el punto de aterrizaje real si fuera necesario.
    Pero necesitamos que el software nos informe de algun modo estas areas con posibles aterrizaje…

    in reply to: AAT competiton #556

    may be necessary, a module of punctuation for AAT tasks


    Es que no coincido contigo respecto a la duracion de vuelo y donde aplicar la penalizacion.
    EL tiempo se aplica solo entre el SSS oficial y el corte del ESS.
    El tiempo adicional de adelantamiento se tiene en cuanta solo para calcular l apenalizacion conb el JG y por esto usar un ceheficiente 1 no penaliza nada, usar coheficiente 0 te penaliza todo el vuelo de velocidad… etc.


    “Nosotros hemos optado por poner un factor 11 para obtener un 10.”

    Si tu adelantamiento es 1 minuto te sirve pero que haras si el adelantamiento es 3 minutos? usaras JG13? y asi en cada caso?
    el JG es correcto desde mi manera de ver.. se agrega al final del vuelo y siempre porque el tiempo se mide desde que se inicia el ESS.


    La penalizacion se aplica sobre le horario de ESS.
    En tu caso se suman los 10 minutos al horario en que llego a ESS.

    1 minuto * jg factor (10)= 10 minutos penalizacion.
    Fin de vuelo sin penalizacion= 10:59:00
    Fin de vuelo con penalizacion = 10:59:00 +00:10:00 = 11:09:00

    En un race to goal el tiempo inicial siempre esta dado por SSS, sin importar el horario real de inicio del piloto (exceptuando si lo hace antes, cuando se aplica JG o se pierde el vuelo si no usas JG)

    in reply to: Check the Windows Open time #456

    Make a change in the FS –> Options Ignore missing tracklogpoint first turpoint…
    and working distance well removed from the pilot that took off with the window closed.

    in reply to: Windows Open time check #455

    Make a change in the FS –> Options Ignore missing tracklogpoint first turpoint…
    and working distance well removed from the pilot that took off with the window closed.

    in reply to: Report with discard task #452

    Please do not take into account this entry ..
    I wrote a moment with wrong thoughts

    in reply to: Dropped Task Scoring #451

    Ud. debe usar comp_result.cpr–> top_x_tasks—> numero de tareas a clasificar (en su caso 5 de 8)

    in reply to: Error on Start Time on a given task. #444

    I think the case for considering the% error as a positive value.
    but for a start entry error must be negative.
    If you. using a radius of 14,925.00 mts get the correct result.

    Creo que el ocurre por considerar el % de error como un valor positivo.
    pero en el caso de un start de entrada el error debe ser negativo.
    Si ud. usa un radio de 14925,00 mts obtendra el resultado correcto.

    in reply to: Error on Start Time on a given task. #440

    Cuando vas a crear el ticket coloca tu email.. no dejes “anonimo”.
    asi podras adjuntar un archivo.

    in reply to: Error on Start Time on a given task. #439

    Hola daniel mi correo loezrafa (at)yahoo.com.ar
    es un alternativo que siempre se llena de spam, 🙂 soportara 1,6 mb extra 🙂

    in reply to: Error on Start Time on a given task. #437

    hola daniel. puedes crear un ticket con el archivo adjunto..
    si lo haces envia la abse de datos y todos los tracks de esa prueba.

    hello daniel. you can create a ticket with the attachment ..
    if you do send the data abse and all tracks of that task.

    in reply to: filtering results #436

    Hello, I use “begins with” and the first letter of the category “S” ..
    It works because starting with the same letter ..
    But if you want to classify different categories starting point does not work …
    A desired function in the future FS 2.1.xx

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