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Our download server is currently down, use the links below for the most urgent things:

Download FS 2024 R3.2 (the most recent version, released June 28, 2024)

Download FS 2024 R3.2 Legacy Formula Package (the most recent version, released June 28, 2024)

Changes in this version from previously published version


  • Predefine multiple team definitions
  • Prevent page-breaks through text in PDF result reports.
  • In Competition tab, added button to remove template file selections.
  • Accept birthdate in various formats.
  • Use simple category names for the titles used within civlcomps, and verbose ones, including task number and version, in the actual reports.
  • Create als necessary data for publication in civlcomps already in “Score” step. This works for all pre-defined categories and teams.
    For others, you still need to create a report to have the data generated in the FSDB.
  • Improved selecting and editing predefined categories and teams: Enter opens the selected category, Edit and Remove buttons are only active if an entry is selected.
  • Improved dialog for category selection: boolean values are now given as radio buttons, wait cursor while dialog is being created.

Bug fixes:

  • Show full file names, including ‘&’ character, under “Last Competition” in first screen.
  • Fixed a bug where frequently, when FSDB was stored on computer that used comma as decimal separator, the value was wrongly interpreted the next time that data was used.
  • When changing category definition in competition settings, we also need to mark the task as “needs scoring” (with an asterisk).
  • Keyboard shortcuts for all menu items in the Results menu.

Features added in FS2024 so far

  • Predefined team definition for competition. If defined, results are created in one go together with overall and any predefined category results.
  • Predefined result templates for competition: tasks, competition and teams. When creating results, only ask for template if none is defined, or defined template can’t be found.
  • Option to give a short competition prefix. If set, result file names will be easier to read and understand.
  • Automatically generate title for result reports.
  • Automatic versioning of results, version is included in report title, file name and in the data stored in the FSDB.
  • Option to give results as HTML (as before) and/or PDF (new). Set in Tools – Options.
  • Option to open the File Explorer in the output directory after creating result reports. Set in Tools – Options.
  • Import task definition from another FSDB: In task editor, button “Import task (XCTrack, FSDB)”.
  • In the task view, double-clicking on a pilot opens that pilot’s details, where they can be edited.
  • Download and import XCTrack tasks from their cloud server by giving the corresponding task code.
  • Import XCTrack tasks, either as .xctask files or as QR code image files (.jpg or .png): In the task editor, click on the “Import task” button, and choose the appropriate file type in the following dialog. With this method, you no longer need to load the waypoints into FS.
  • Tool to consolidate glider names: Tools – Consolidate glider names…

For a list of all changes for each version, refer to the file “releasenotes.txt” in the FS installation directory (c:\Program Files (x86)\FS<version>).

Previous version (just in case… but in general, you should use the newest one, it resolves several issues of this one)

Download FS 2024 R2.0 (released May 24, 2024)

Download FS 2024 R2.0 Legacy Formula Package (released May 24, 2024)

Report bugs and problems, or contact us if you think you can help us revive our instance of Trac on our Linux server.