3 Comments on “FS2022 R1.15 released

  1. Gracias amigo…resuelto el problema con el open distance…Gracias por su colaboracion

  2. Thanks for the update!
    Unfortunately I can’t register on this website as it doesn’t show any captcha (same for the contact form), on Firefox or Edge. Thus, I post my question here:
    How is the average speed in the task results table calculated? When I divide the the SS distance in the table by the SS time (ESS time – SSS time) I always get a speed of ~2km/h higher than the one shown in the results table.

  3. Good day Relevant for flat competitions, where a large radius of the starting cylinder is possible. The center of the starting cylinder is used to calculate the distance, which introduces a significant error. In version FS2019R1.3.2 this error is absent. It has appeared since FS2020

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