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  • in reply to: FSFlight Airspace File Problems #286
    in reply to: GAP scoring formulas #285

    no secrets, will, when time permites, update with all relevant info so anyone who wish may reproduce or create new …


    in reply to: Error in Distance Speedsection #284
    in reply to: Problem with goal line or cilinder #283

    The goal line issue is only a problem with goal line “radius” > 1000 meters.
    Setting “radius” < 1000 meters works fine.

    ver. 1.2.7, just released, fixes this issue.


    in reply to: possible streamlining of downloads #265

    I have tested Henke’s FsDump” a little bit now with three gps devices (Garmin 76, XC-Trainer, IQCompeo+) at the same time.
    Seems the comunication with GpsDump is working pretty well, have had no errors so far.

    I think that is the key element in this, getting it to work without hickups with GpsDump.

    Had no chance to look at the code itself yet but I think we could integrate this into FsComp.
    Then all the stuff with folder to save logs, path to GpsDump, fsdb file etc. is already handled by FS.

    All that is left then which FsDump seems to do pretty well is setting no of devices to download from, doing the downloading via instances of GpsDump and showing information about the progress etc …

    Is going on vacation tomorrow (driving a campervan from Norway to Croatia) and will end up at the Nordic in Macedonia on the 18th.
    I hope to have something ready by then that we can test during that competition (if the organiser will let me…)


    in reply to: Automatic Chop of Tracklog and Delete Pilots #264

    No need to chop of tracklog. When defining the task i FS you set date for the task and open/close times for the turnpoints. FS use this information to examine only the part of the tracklog within that time periode.

    FSComp crashing when deleting pilots:
    Are you using v 1.2.6? For me it seems to work ok. Any others experiencing this problem?

    Regarding task distance and flown distance in the task:

    The normal would be to have first tp as a cylinder covering the take off area.

    Default size for any turnpoint is 400 meters.

    If you have a small cylinder it may be that some pilots do not have any valid tracklog-points inside this cylinder (the GPS may have been turned on to late before take off…). There is an option in FS (under Tools > Options menu) to “ignore missing tracklogpoints inside first turnpoint”.

    Min size for a turnpoint cylinder in FS is 1 meter.
    So setting tp 1 radius to 1 meter combined with “ignore missing tracklogpoints inside first turnpoint” will give you a longer task and flown distances.

    If this is more correct than measuring from the edge of a 400m radius cylinder is a matter of opinion. On some take offs everybody take off from the same spot, other places you have several 100 meters to take off from …


    in reply to: FS 1.2 #263
    in reply to: Defining ESS close time early then the TASK close time #262

    Defining ES tp close time earlier than the close time of next tp is possible.
    However, you will not get the effect you describe above.

    The way it works in FS:

    The pilot will have to take the turnpoints in the correct order and before the close time given for each turnpoint.
    Being late at a turnpoint means one get the distance flown until the close time for the turnpoint.

    If you set the close time for the ES turnpoint an hour earlier than the last turnpoint (GOAL), a pilot being to late at the ES turnpoint will get the distance flown at the closing time for the ES turnpoint.

    Setting a close time for the ES turnpoint to be later than the next turnpoint would (as it works in FS) mean that the tracklog is stopped at the point where the close time for the next turnpoint is reached. So it would not have the desired effect to do so.

    The time points (in the GAP formulas) is a function of the fastest time flown and how much slower the others fly and those flying slow to ES will get 0 time points anyhow.

    It seems that what you are after is an option to specify a given time of the day where time does not count anymore.


    in reply to: Tasks scored with manually assigned points #261

    At the moment there is options to assign penalty points that is subtracted from the points given by the scoring formula or penalty as a % of points given by the scoring formula (negative penalty means reward).

    As you say, assigning the actual points (overriding the scoring formula) is not possible now.
    I have created a ticket for it ( and will try to get it into next version.


    in reply to: how to score stopped task #260

    You set the turnpoints close time to the time you want the task to end.
    Tracklogs will then be checked only upto that time and pilots will get the distance flown at that time.


    in reply to: Classes, Teams, custom attributes and reporting #249

    In FS you can enter as many custom attributes as you like.

    So for your case I suppose I would create the following attributes:
    “Serial”, “Sports”, “Fun” with the value “yes” (or something other than empty).
    Then put all “Serial”, “Sports”, “Fun” pilots in “Serial”. All “Sports”, “Fun” in “Sports”. And all “Fun” in “Fun”.

    If you want to special report with only a single class then I suppose: “Class” attribute with values “Open”, “Serial”, “Sports”, “Fun” will do.

    A bit of work to enter the data but …

    For the bonus value I think the simplest way is to put the results in a spreadsheet and do it from there.
    You can copy and modify the result templates so that they produce results in any format you like so something like a tab delimited text file or a simple html table that Excel will read should be possible.
    I also think the std. templates produce html that one can copy/paste into Excel with fairly ok result.

    One thing you might want to add/change in the std. reports is to show the custom attributes as columns in the report.

    As an example of how to get hold of custom attributes:
    Find the line
    <xsl:value-of select=”$comp_pilot/@sponsor”/>

    in “task_result.tkr.xsl”

    Replace it with

    <xsl:value-of select=”$comp_pilot/FsCustomAttributes/FsCustomAttribute[@name=’team’]/@value”/>

    and you get the value of the custom attribute “team”.

    I just noticed your ticket at
    Good, we’ll look into that. Variations of this issue has been asked about by others too.


    in reply to: JG factor #248

    Hi Pablo,

    Now that 1.2.6 is out I will look into this a bit.
    In 1.2.6 there are a number of formulas to choose from and easy to make new formulas so we’ll see…


    in reply to: FS 1.2 #246

    FS 1.2.6 released.
    Those using FS 1.1.7 should upgrade …


    in reply to: FS 1.2 #244

    FS 1.2.6 is just around the corner, will be the next official version of FS (replacing 1.1.7).
    Main reasons to use 1.2.6 instead of 1.1.7:
    – some fixes in the GAP formula(s) that in some special cases can give slightly wrong points for a pilot compared to what the GAP formula implemented in RACE does.
    – Choice of scoring formulas: GAP2000, GAP2002, OzGAP2005, GAP2007 (the other GAP’s rolled into one + some new stuff …), PWC2007, PWC2008.
    – Possible to make your own formula dll.
    – Possible to load airspaces and check for violations in FsFlight.


    in reply to: Speed and arrival points #242

    Hi Fredrik,

    Look at the bottom of the result. There it is listed all the “Scoring formula settings”.
    “time_points_if_not_in_goal” = 0 meaning not reaching goal means 0% of the time points.
    This is how we’ve normally used it in Norway in the last few years. It is also how it is used in most other pg comps that i’ve been in (incl. all the Nordic Opens).

    In HG comps they apparently use the 20% time point penalty (meaning one get 80% of the time points if not in goal).


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